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Complex Gout

Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. Gout causes sudden, excruciating pain and swelling in the affected joints. It is a metabolic disorder caused by an excessive amount of uric acid in the blood. When the kidneys are unable to excrete the excess uric acid, it may end of being deposited as crystals in the joint. If left untreated, the joints may be damaged resulting in deformity and restricted mobility.

Find out more on the conditions here >

About the Programme

The SGH Complex Gout clinic is a one stop multi-disciplinary gout clinic for patients with complex gout including patients with multiple co-morbidities, renal impairment and drug allergies to medications used to treat chronic gout.

In this clinic, patients will be evaluated by the Rheumatologist, Advance Practice Nurse (APN) and dietician. Our goals are to provide evidence based, holistic and individualised clinical care to patients with gout.

Your Care Team

Other members of the Complex Gout clinic include the Rheumatology nurses, Rheumatology pharmacists, dieticians and research coordinators who assist in the care of our patients.

Research in Gout

We hope to make a difference in the lives of patients through research. We are evaluating various models of care and interventions to empower patients to share decisions about their gout care. We also aim to improve patient outcomes in gout.

Find out more on our Department’s research here >