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Medical Report

How to Apply?

Consent Forms

If you are the patient – please complete Forms A and C.

If you are applying for a patient who has deceased or is mentally incompetent – please complete Forms A, B and C.

Please ensure all fields are completed and filled out correctly to avoid delays in processing.

We can only process your application upon fulfilling the verification and receipt of all necessary forms, supporting documents* and payment.

Please note

For requests pertaining to:
  • Cardiology related departments, please apply through the NHCS found here.
For requests pertaining to: (except Hospital Inpatient Discharge Summary)
  • Eye related departments, please apply through the SNEC found here.
  • Dental related departments, please apply through the NDCS found here.
  • National Cancer Centre Singapore(NCCS) related departments, please apply through the NCCS found here.
    • E.g. Medical Oncology, Surgical Oncology, Radiation Oncology and Palliative Medicine.
    • E.g. Outpatient services/departments seen in NCCS directly.

By Email

Scan and submit the forms and supporting documents* to [email protected]

By Mail

Mail your forms and supporting documents* to:

Health Information Management Services
Singapore General Hospital
Outram Road
Singapore 169608

At Medical Report Self-Help Booth

Drop your forms and supporting documents* into the Dropbox at our Medical Report Self-Help Booth.

SGH Block 3 Level 1

Yellow Zone

*Photocopies of patient's NRIC and all relevant documents (refer to Form A - e.g. insurance claim form, birth/marriage/death certificates etc).


If you need further assistance, please contact the Health Information Management Services Department 


Health Information Management Services (HIMS) 
Block 3 Level 1, Medical Report Self-Help Booth

Hotline Operating Hours
Monday to Friday : 8.30am to 5.30pm 
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays : Closed
(Eve of New Year's Day/Chinese New Year/Christmas Day : 8.30am to 12pm)

Who can request for a Medical Report?
  • Patients aged 21 years and above.
  • A patient who is a minor may apply for a medical report with the consent of his/her parent or legal guardian.
  • Interested third parties, with the consent of the patient.
  • In the case of a deceased or mentally incompetent patient, the written consent of his authorized representative or all his immediate next-of-kin must be obtained for the release of the medical report.

What are the Charges?




Ordinary Medical Report

Provides the relevant facts about the medical condition and treatment/medication the patient is receiving. Report is in the form of a comprehensive written report.

This is the report of choice for most request purpose.


Completion of Insurance Form

Report is in the form of a medical insurance form questionnaire. Information required may consist of diagnosis, name of procedure, and details of medical condition or treatment given. 

Necessary forms for completion needs to be furnished by the requestor.


Ordinary Medical Report /
Completion of Insurance Form (Psychiatric)

As above. For completion by the Department of Psychiatry only.


Completion of Workman Compensation Form

This is for the purpose of determining work-related injuries and the degree and period of disability. The doctor will fill up the MOM form "Medical Report on Traumatic Injuries for Workman’s Compensation" and this may involve a review of the patient at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic. 

Necessary forms for completion needs to be furnished by the requestor.


​Completion of Workman Compensation Objection Form

​As above. For the objection of the finalised Workman Compensation Report.


Specialist Medical Report /
Percentage Disability Report

A Specialist Medical Report is a medical report in response to requests that requires the doctor's specific opinion and prognosis of the patient's medical condition. This may require an assessment and a review of the patient at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic and specialist consultation will be borne by the patient separately. This is in addition to further tests such as radiological images or laboratory investigation procedures that are required for the completion of the Specialist Medical Report.


Specialist Medical Report /
Percentage Disability Report (Psychiatric)

As above. For completion by the Department of Psychiatry only.


​Deputyship Medical Report
(Form 61) / Activation of LPA

​For the purpose of appointing a deputy or activating an LPA to make decisions for a person who lacks mental capacity.

Similar to a Specialist Medical Report, this requires the doctor's specific opinion and prognosis of the patient's medical condition. This may require an assessment and a review of the patient at the Specialist Outpatient Clinic and specialist consultation will be borne by the patient separately. This is in addition to further tests such as radiological images or laboratory investigation procedures that are required for the completion of the report. 

Necessary forms for completion needs to be furnished by the requestor (e.g. Form 61 or LPA Activation Form).


​Deputyship Medical Report
(Form 61) / Activation of LPA

​As above. For completion by the Department of Psychiatry only.


​Affidavit for Deputyship Medical Report (Form 61)
​An Affidavit (front section of Form 61) is where the doctor who prepared the Deputyship Medical Report has to sign and provide his/her swearing/affirmation in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths.

Requestors should only apply after the Deputyship Medical Report has been completed. The Affidavit filled in with the patient and applicant's details (front section of Form 61) needs to be provided by the requestor. 

Duplication of Medical Certificate

A certified true copy of the Medical Certificate issued by the wards and clinics.


Duplication of Referral Letter

A certified true copy of Referral Letter from polyclinics/private medical centre to our hospital or from one clinical department to another (e.g. copy of referral letter to physiotherapy).


​Duplication of Order Form
​A certified true copy of Order Form for the Investigation / Lab / Radiological scan (e.g order form for blood test, X-ray/MRI/CT scan).

Discharge Summary
(Inpatient / Day Surgery / A&E)

A discharge summary for the Inpatient Admission / Day Surgery / A&E visit. It will provide brief information of the surgery, diagnosis and procedure.


Investigation / Lab / Radiological Scan Results

Selective copies of investigation results such as blood test results, investigation reports (ECG, Electrophysiology, EMGS), X-ray and other radiological reports can be made available.


Admin Fee for Memo

Provides basic information as specified by the patient.


Duplication of Radiological Images in Thumbdrive Format (General) 
(for subsidised patients)

Radiological films stored in Thumbdrive format. For general procedures such as X-Rays of chest, abdomen, limbs etc.


Duplication of Radiological Images in Thumbdrive Format (Specialised)
(for subsidised patients)
(up to 3 studies per TD copy)

Radiological films stored in Thumbdrive format. For specialised procedures such as CT, MRI, Ultrasound, Fluoroscopy, Vascular & Interventional, & Breast Imaging.


Timeline for Request Completion

Please allow 4 - 6 weeks for processing of requests. 
Delays in prompt processing may be the result of:

  • Patient’s upcoming clinic appointments;
  • Patient has been warded;
  • Reports requested from several clinical departments;
  • The doctor is away on leave.