Health Services Research is a multidisciplinary field of scientific investigation that studies how social factors, financing systems, organisational structures and processes, health technologies, and personal behaviours affect accessibility, cost and quality of healthcare, and our health and well-being (definition by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), USA, 2002).
HSR can provide insights to inform efforts aimed at improving both processes and outcomes in healthcare, and is a strategic area to build research capabilities in SGH to put “Patients at the heart of all we do".
HSRU was formerly known as the Health Services Research and Biostatistics Unit. Set up in 2012, the Unit was previously housed in the Division of Research, and provided research support for HSR researchers in SGH.
In August 2015, as part of a larger re-organisation in SGH, the Unit was relocated to Medicine Academic Clinical Programme (ACP) under the Division of Medicine. HSRU continues to serve the HSR needs of SGH, and works closely with various ACPs and Divisions in SGH to support HSR.
The Unit supports the SGH HSR community through the following:
Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) Administration
Healthcare Data Analytics
De-identification of patient data for research for SGH researchers
Maintenance of a Registry of Databases in SGH (RoD)