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Additional Information

Estimated Expenses

Estimated ExpensesClinical FellowResearch Fellow​Observer
SGH-PGMI Administrative Fee

​SGD 500* per application

​​SGD 150* per application
SGH Department Training Fee​ ​SGD 3,000* per month SGD 1,000* per week​
Temporary Medical Registration with Singapore Medical Council

Application Fee                     : SGD 300

Practicing Certificate Fee      : SGD 550

Click here for more information on Registration Application Fees.

​Not applicable
​Training Employment Pass from Ministry of Manpower, Singapore

SGD 360​ ​ ​

Click here for more information on training employment pass.

​Medical Examination Fee in SGH (pre-attachment)

​SGD 300 - SGD 500 (estimated) ​​Not applicable
​Malpractice Insurance Coverage​SGD 469 - SGD 938​Not applicable
​Fees for BCLS+AED/ ACLS Courses​SGD 218 - SGD 348.80​Not applicable
​Work Injury Insurance​SGD 100*
Other Miscellaneous Expenses (estimated)
Transport (by train/ bus)​SGD 50 - SGD 200 per month
Accommodation in Singapore

Room rental: SGD 800 - SGD 1,500 (estimated) per month

Budget hotels for short stay: SGD 120 - SGD 250 (estimated) per night

​Communications (cellphone)SGD 50 - SGD 150 (estimated) per month​
​Basic MealsSGD 300 - SGD 450 (estimated) per month​ ​ ​

SGD 100 - SGD 300 (estimated) per month

*Subject to prevailing GST (Goods and Services Tax).

- Fees listed above are subjected to change without prior notification.

- SGH-PGMI Administrative Fee and SGH Department Training Fee are applicable for successful applications, and to be paid when accepting provisional offer.

- All fees are non-refundable.