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Overseas Emergency Evacuation

Emergency Evacuation

Patient Liaison Service (PLS) is the main contact point for Evacuation companies transferring patients home to SGH for medical treatment.

Some useful information if you have a loved one who requires to be transferred to Singapore for urgent medical care:

Modes of Transportation

Depending on the injury or illness, there are various modes of transportation to consider.
  • Via Air Ambulance (with or without complete medical team escort) - usually for critical cases
  • Via Commercial Airlines - 
    •  A "MEDIF" - medical information form and clearance to fly must be provided to all airlines several days prior to flight
    •  Commercial Airlines have different restrictions, capabilities and guidelines
    •  Oxygen for medical cases needs to be prepared and is not readily available
    •  Stretcher cases may require anywhere from 6 to 9 seats.  This varies depending on the type of aircraft.
  • Via Ferry
  • Via ground ambulance

Information & Assistance

  • We provide contacts to evacuation companies who have access to the area where patient is located
  • We work with the relatives and guide them on how to gather the necessary medical information of the patient
  • Where necessary, we can put them in touch with MFA for assistance
  • We assist to liaise with various departments in SGH in order to prepare for patient's arrival to SGH
  • We can assist to make appropriate ground ambulance pick up from the various ports of entry to SGH

Important information to provide

  • Full name of patient as in passport
  • NRIC or Hospital registration number
  • Date of birth
  • Patient's updated medical condition and reports
  • Expected date of transfer to SGH

SGH Evacuation Form

You may complete the evacuation request form. For urgent evacuation, you can contact us at the below numbers once the request form is submitted.

During office hours (Mon – Fri, 8:30 am – 5:30 pm): (+65) 6326 5656 
After office hours: (+65) 6222 3322 


SGH Repatriation Form

After medical treatment at SGH, you may complete the repatriation form and submit it to us.
