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Switch to Higher Ward Type

All SGH patients can request to switch to a higher ward type during their inpatient stay, subject to bed availability and the following:

  • All charges (except daily standard ward fees) incurred will be recomputed and retroactively charged a higher ward type rate from date of your admission.
  • For upgrade to B1 or A wards, a deposit based on your estimated bill has to be paid within 24 hours from the date of the application. The revised estimated hospital charges and ward fees for inpatient services will be given to you.

Subsidised rate - Subsidised patients will receive team-based care led by an assigned doctor. Your attending doctor may or may not be the same at each visit.
Private rate - Private patients will receive team-based care led by their choice of doctor. Patients will be charged at full rates.



Most patients have to pay a cash deposit as the bill will be upsized from the day of admission. The quantum of cash deposit would depend on your insurance coverage, company medical benefits (if any) and the treatment plan based on your medical condition.
We will process the refund 10 working days after the date of your Final Bill, and instruct the bank to make the refund. You can expect to receive payment 2 week after the final bill for the refund to be process.

Retroactive Charging

Retroactive charging occurs when a patient upgrades to a higher ward type for their hospital ward during their stay. This policy adjusts the level of subsidies and charges the patient as if they had been in the higher-type ward from the start of their treatment. This is to prevent patients from choosing lower-cost wards initially to benefit from more subsidies and then switching to higher-cost wards later in their treatment. This is a standard policy across all public hospitals.
Patients who choose to upgrade their ward type during their hospital stay are subject to retroactive charging. Those who downgrade their ward type, especially due to financial constraint, will not be retroactively charged but will receive adjusted rates based on their new ward type.

About the transfer

We will arrange for the transfer as soon as a bed is available. Priority is given to patients who need to be transferred out from Operating Theater and A&E (acute care). On average, patients may have to wait 1 to 3 days before a transfer can be made.
Should there be a spike in the number of admissions, we may not be able to fulfil your request. A refund (if any) will be arranged when the bill is finalized.

After discharge

No, your ward choice during your hospital stay will not affect the rates for your outpatient follow-up appointments. For subsequent outpatient appointments, you can choose again whether you want to enjoy subsidy or pay full rates as a private patient.
  • If you opt for subsidized outpatient care, you will be treated by a team led by a doctor assigned by the hospital. You will also enjoy more subsidy if you have CHAS card or Pioneer/Generation status.
  • If you opt for private outpatient care, you will be treated by a team led by a doctor of his choice.

  • Switching to Higher Ward Type 

    How much more do I have to pay?

    Mr Teo experienced breathlessness and was admitted after seeking treatment at A&E. He chose C 8-bedded ward but after 1 day’s stay, he wanted to switch to B1 4-bedded ward

    The billing officer explained that:

    • His hospital bill would be charged at the higher B1 rate from the day of admission, not the day of transfer to the B1 ward.

    • He could use his Medisave and his insurance plan (if any) to cover part of his hospitalization bill.

    • A deposit is required for B1 ward. To effect his transfer, he has to pay the deposit within 24 hours which can be easily done through e-payment.

    • For his follow-up outpatient appointments after discharge, he can choose again whether he wants to enjoy subsidy or pay full rates as a private patient.

    • If he opts for subsidized outpatient care, he will be treated by a team led by a doctor assigned by the hospital. He will also enjoy more subsidy if he has CHAS card or Pioneer/Generation status.

    • If he opts for private outpatient care, he will be treated by a team led by a doctor of his choice.

    After considering the implications on his inpatient bill and the deposit required for B1 bed, Mr Teo decided to upgrade to B2 6-bedded ward instead of B1 ward. He also understood that in a B2 ward, he will receive team-based care led by a doctor assigned by the hospital. 

    Mr Teo waited for 2 more days before a B2 bed was available for his transfer.

    What if I want to choose the doctor who cares for me?

    Mr. Lim was admitted to a B2 6-bedded ward for 3 daysfter knowing that he was scheduled for surgery, his wife recommended a particular surgeon.

    The billing officer advised that:

    • If he wishes to choose a specific doctor to be his primary doctor, Mr Lim must be in the private ward, ie A single bed or B1 4 bedder type which is more costly.
    • In the private ward, he will receive team-based care led by the doctor of his choice.
    • The higher rates for his hospital stay will apply from the day of his admission, not the day of transfer to the private ward.
    • For his subsequent outpatient consultations, he can choose again whether he wants to enjoy subsidy or pay full rates as a private patient.
    • If he opts for subsidized outpatient care, he will be treated by a team led by a doctor assigned by the hospital. He will also enjoy more subsidy if he has CHAS card or Pioneer/Generation status.
    • If he opts for private outpatient care, he will be treated by a team led by a doctor of his choice.

    After understanding the implications, Mr Lim decided to switch to an A Single Bed ward. He paid a deposit online for the estimated bill, inclusive of the surgery and two-week stay after surgery. However, after paying the deposit, there was no bed available in the A ward. Mr Lim waited for 2 more days before he was transferred to A Single Bed ward.

    *Table below is based on an estimated 3 days hospitalization.   

    Ward Type​B2
    (6-Bedded )
    (Single Bed)
    ​Estimated total bill ($)​3,242​6,521
    ​Estimated Medishield/ Integrated Shield Plan
    ​Estimated Medisave Claim Allowable
    ​Estimated cash deposit required ($)​0​5,000
    ​Rates for outpatient follow-up consultation

    Singapore Citizen/ Permanent Resident
    You may choose:

    • To enjoy subsidy and be cared for by a team led a doctor assigned by the hospital; or
    • To pay full rate as a private patient and be cared for by a team led by a doctor of your choice.

    Non-Citizen - Work Permit / Employment Pass Holder / Non-Resident

    • at full rate (without subsidy) (team-based care led by your choice of doctor).

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