Potential side effects
All medicines may cause side effects. However, many people do not experience them.
Most of the side effects listed here will improve with time. Speak with your doctor or pharmacist if they persist, become bothersome or worsen.
Increase your intake of fluids and include more fibre (vegetables and fruits) in your diet. Incorporate some exercise in your daily routine.
Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you require any laxatives.
Do not drive or operate any machinery.
Discuss with your doctor if you can take your medicine at a different time of the day.
Avoid daytime naps. Limit caffeine intake. Keep a regular sleeping schedule. Instead of looking at electronic screens before bedtime, choose other relaxing activities such as reading a book or listening to calm music.
Serious side effects
If you experience signs of allergy such as rashes, swelling of lips/face/throat and difficulty breathing, stop this medicine immediately and seek medical attention.
Risperidone may cause unusual movements involving the face or tongue, muscle stiffness, shakiness and unsteadiness on your feet. Please notify your doctor immediately if these symptoms occur.
Risperidone may also cause changes in menstrual periods and can affect the breasts for both males and females (including abnormal production of breast milk). Please consult your doctor if this occurs after taking this medicine
If you have symptoms such as changes in weight, passing of large amounts of urine and feelings of thirst and hunger all the time after taking this medicine, consult your doctor.
A condition known as Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome may occur rarely. Symptoms include but are not limited to fever, muscle rigidity, altered mental state/ consciousness and/or irregular blood pressure, heart rhythm and palpitations. If you develop any of these symptoms or other unexplained symptoms while taking this medicine inform your doctor immediately. Furthermore consult your doctor if you require further information regarding this condition.
Take note that the side effects listed here are not exhaustive. Do seek medical attention if you have other symptoms that you think may be related to the medicine.
What do I need to tell my doctor before I take this medicine?
This medicine may interact with a number of other medicines. Inform your doctor if you are taking or intend to start taking other medicines or supplements.
What are the things I need to know or look out for while taking this medicine?