Acupuncture is a type of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatment that involves stimulation of certain points on the skin using a variety of techniques, with or without the insertion of needles.
Based on traditional Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture improves the flow of "qi" (energetic balance of the body) or energy along the meridians (pathways) to normalise physiological functions or to treat ailments or conditions of the human body.
A treatment course usually consists of 5-10 acupuncture sessions that span over a number of weeks. The treatment frequency and length depend on the type, severity and complexity of your condition(s) and your response to it. Our acupuncturist will assess your suitability to proceed with the treatment and advise you on a suitable course.
Lifestyle modification, healthy diet and regular exercises are important even as we manage the symptoms of pain using acupuncture. Co-management with our medical and allied health colleagues is essential in ensuring the best treatment outcome.
However, there is a big difference in how individuals respond to acupuncture treatment. While some patients have reported improvement immediately or within the next few days, there are also patients who do not respond to acupuncture. In general, complex or chronic conditions may require more treatment sessions before noticing observable benefits.
Please refer to other related pages for more information of your specific condition.
Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, we recommend adopting healthful behaviours for general health. As such, some risk factors can be:
A treatment course usually consists of 5-10 acupuncture sessions that span over a number of weeks. The treatment frequency and length depend on the type, severity and complexity of your condition(s) and your response to it. Our acupuncturist will assess your suitability to proceed with the treatment and advise you on a suitable course. Some contraindications that we will review for are acute skin infections, blood clotting disorders and intake of certain medications.
While there is generally no age limit for acupuncture, it is not recommended for infants and young children as the needling sensation can be too intense or unpleasant for them. Patients must be 18 years old and above to receive acupuncture at SKH.