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Fellowship in Breast Imaging

The SGH Breast Imaging Fellowship Programme provides comprehensive training in all aspects of breast imaging and breast interventional procedures. In addition, we also offer exposure to clinical research.  

SGH has a high volume of breast imaging studies providing good exposure and hands-on advanced training by experienced breast radiologists. Breast imaging studies include:

  • Screening and Diagnostic full field Digital Mammography

  • Digital Breast Tomosynthesis 

  • Breast Ultrasound (with Elastography)

  • Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI

  • Interventional Procedures (image-guided biopsies and localisations)

Breast imaging fellows will be actively involved in interpreting breast imaging studies and performing interventional procedures. In addition, fellows will be able to participate in research projects and academic activities such as Radiologic-Pathologic (Rad-Path) Correlation Meetings.

Completion of this fellowship programme will lay a solid foundation for a safe and competent subspecialty practice in Breast Imaging. We are committed to training future leaders in Breast Imaging. 

Training program and objectives:

  • Upon completion of the fellowship, Fellows will be able to confidently interpret screening full field digital mammograms, breast ultrasound scans & breast MRI scans. Fellows will also gain experience in assessment of breast lesions, namely in assessment of masses, asymmetries, microcalcifications, architectural distortions, etc using a variety of techniques such as additional mammographic images, Digital Breast Tomosynthesis, sonography and MRI.
  • Fellows will gain confidence in symptomatic workup, preoperative assessment in proven breast cancer patients and be able to advise which patients are amenable to breast conservation.
  • SGH offers high resolution MRI breast for screening (e.g. BRCA gene carriers), evaluation of implants and in patients with other types of augmentations, in preoperative assessment for breast conservation and monitoring of neoadjuvant therapy.  SGH is a major referral centre for MRI breast biopsies. 
  • Fellows will also have hands-on experience in performing image-guided biopsies such as using wire/radar clip localisations, core biopsies and vacuum assisted biopsies using ultrasound guidance. Localisations and vacuum assisted biopsies are also performed under stereotactic/tomosynthesis and MRI guidance.
  • Rad-Path sessions will enable the fellow to discern discordant cases for second look biopsies and excisions to minimise false negatives in their future practice.      


  • Dr. Moey Hui Lin Tammy, Consultant, Director of Breast Imaging
  • Dr. Ching Boon Chye, Senior Consultant
  • Dr Sim Shao-Jen, Llewellyn, Senior Consultant
  • Dr. Lester Leong Chee Hao, Senior Consultant
  • Dr. Tay Wei Ming Ian, Associate Consultant

Admission Criteria

Minimum requirements for all Fellows :

  • Postgraduate medical qualification in Radiology e.g. FRCR, MMed or equivalent
  • 2 years of post-graduate training experience in Breast Imaging
  • Proven competency in English language (to fulfill the Singapore Medical Council’s criteria for medical registration for clinical fellowship)

Fellowship Application

Please email [email protected].

For more information on the Breast Imaging Fellowship Programme

Please contact Dr. Ian Tay, Associate Consultant at [email protected].