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Symposium 6

Adj. Asst. Prof Philip Cheong

Senior Principal Physiotherapist (Clinical)
Department of Physiotherapy
Singapore General Hospital

Dr. Philip Cheong is currently employed as a Senior Principal Physiotherapist at Singapore General Hospital (SGH). Before joining SGH, he gained valuable experience in public hospital and private practice settings in Perth, Western Australia. Dr. Cheong is a staunch advocate for person-centric care, emphasizing the importance of inter-professional collaboration, evidence-based practice, patient engagement, and respecting patients' values and choices in delivering quality health care.
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Cheong plays an active role in educating healthcare professionals and is passionate about research and clinical innovation.
Dr. Cheong concurrently holds the positions of Director of Research at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Sports and Exercise Medicine Centre, and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Singapore Institute of Technology.
His professional interests encompass musculoskeletal sciences, sports physiotherapy, risk-stratified care management, chronic pain management, and the integration of technology in healthcare delivery.


From Awareness to Empowerment (A Problem-Based Learning Discussion Presented by SingHealth Duke-NUS Pain Management Centre)
13 April 2024, 1030 - 1200, L1-S3

Discussion Topic:

Problem Based Learning – The Management of A Pain Patient in the Community: Perspectives from A Multi-disciplinary Panel from the Polyclinic to Tertiary Care: Collaboration with Chronic Pain Management Service

There will be problem-based learning discussion on handling of chronic pain patient from the polyclinic to the tertiary care centre. The moderators will be Drs Diana Chan and Dr Singh. The panelists will be Dr Koh KH (SHP), Dr Philip Cheong (SGH PT), Ms Constance Png (CGH, PSY).  A few cases will be discussed in this interactive session and questions will be taken live from the attendees.