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FAQs about Fertility

When am I most fertile and how often should we be making love?
Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before your period starts. This is the most fertile day of the cycle. If your cycle is 26 days long, then you will ovulate on day 12. Ideally you should start trying throughout the menstrual cycle at least every third day. Abstaining to ‘build up’ sperm reduces sperm count and quality and is not recommended.

How does age affect fertility?
  • Women are less fertile after age 35 and fertility dramatically drops after 40 years.
  • IVF is not a cure for age and we get very poor results over the age of 40 (less than 10% pregnancy rate).
  • A woman’s age also adversely aects the outcome of the pregnancy with increased miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies and genetic abnormalities.
Does weight affect fertility?
Being overweight or underweight both have a dramatic eect on female fertility, with ovulation periods being irregular or absent. IVF is also not recommended if Body Mass Index is more than 35 or less than 19 as the chance of success is significantly lower with higher risks.

How can we improve the sperm count and quality?
  • Quitting smoking, reducing alcohol intake and avoiding recreational drugs may significantly help to improve sperm count.
  •  Avoid hot baths and improve general fitness. Weight reduction may also help.
  • It may take three months for the sperm count and quality to improve after lifestyle changes, so do not expect immediate results.

Does the love-making position have any effect on chances of conceiving?
There is no evidence that the position of lovemaking has any increased effects on pregnancy.

Can we have sexual intercourse during IVF program or after embryo transfer?
It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse until pregnancy test.

Is it compulsory to do the pregnancy blood test if I am experienced bleeding before the scheduled pregnancy test date?
Yes. You still need the blood test done on the scheduled pregnancy test date in order to confirm your pregnancy status.