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The Differences between the 3Ds - Delirium, Dementia & Depression

Elderly patients above 65 occupy more than half of the beds in any hospital nowadays and are likely to increase in number as Singapore's population ages. The 3Ds, delirium, dementia and depression,  are common among the elderly patients in the hospital and are often not properly diagnosed. The 3Ds can occur at the same time, they share similar features and having one of the three conditions increases the risk of a person developing the other two conditions. Most importantly, hospital associated complications can trigger one and lead to the other conditions unmasking themselves.

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Course Details

10, 12-13 November 2020

​9 am – 12 pm

9 hours over 3 sessions

​Fees (inclusive of 7% GST):
S$250 per pax (SingHealth)
S$280 per pax (Regular)

​Registration Closing Date: 
16 October 2020, Friday

Training Mode:

Zoom Cloud Meetings (Details of the zoom session links will be sent nearer the session dates.)

Target Audience:
Healthcare Professionals