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Molecular Diagnostics Symposium Payment & Registration

Payment instructions for Singapore Participants only

  1. Make a payment of SGD50 by scanning the QR code above with your PayNow App or PayNow support mobile banking application.

  2. Include your unique PayNow reference number <Date of payment in YYYYMMDD>DMS<your 8-digit mobile no.> in the PayNow reference field.
    e.g. if date of payment is 21-02-2022, and mobile number is 9876-5432, your unique PayNow reference number is 20220221DMS98765432.

  3. Take a screenshot after payment is made as proof of successful transaction. Screenshot is required for uploading in the registration portal.

  4. Complete your registration via this link:
    You will be prompted to indicate your unique PayNow reference number provided at the point of payment (as per step 2 above), as well as upload your screenshot of "Transaction Completed" page.

Successful registrants will be provided with the zoom webinar details only when payment is received and processed.