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Change in Bowel Habit

Change in Bowel Habit - Symptoms

Change in Bowel Habit - How to prevent?

Change in Bowel Habit - Treatments

How to treat the change in bowel habit?

Treatment for changes in bowel habit depends on the cause and the severity of the condition, and often needs to be tailored to the individual’s needs. It may be treated with any combination of dietary and lifestyle modifications, medications such as laxatives, antidiarrhoeal medications or steroids for patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Treatments may also include bio-feedback exercises for patients with functional bowel disorders or even surgery. Surgery is necessary for patients who are diagnosed with existing medical conditions such as colorectal cancer, rectal prolapse or in recalcitrant slow transit constipation.

Change in Bowel Habit - Preparing for surgery

Change in Bowel Habit - Post-surgery care

Change in Bowel Habit - Other Information

The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Terms of use. Information provided by SingHealth

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