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​Hear personal experiences from in-depth conversations and stories with professionals and patients


Brené Brown

Courage Is Born from Struggle

"Hope is a function of struggle." Brené Brown, a researcher and scholar, on the value and power of adversity to give rise to the astonishing strength of which we are all capable.

Matthew Sanford

Compassion for Our Bodies

"Your body, for as long as it possibly can, will be faithful to living. That’s what it does.” Matthew Sanford, an innovator of adaptive yoga, on taking a new orientation to our physical change and pain, and the outward healing that can result.

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen

How We Live With Loss

"She was trained as a doctor in a generation that understood death as a failure of medicine. Yet her lifelong struggle with Crohn’s Disease and her pioneering work with cancer patients shaped her view of life. Becoming whole, she teaches, is not about eradicating our wounds and weaknesses; rather, the way we deal with losses, large and small, shapes our capacity to be present to all of our experiences.

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen

The Difference Between Curing and Healing

The basic qualities of the Hippocratic Oath are not scientific qualities, she says, but spiritual qualities of human response and connection: harmlessness, service, reverence for life, courage, and love. And the power to help — to be a healing presence — is not dependent on the power to cure. "We burn out not because we don’t care, but because we don’t grieve."