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Preparing for Ultrasound

Things to note on day of appointment:

When to arrive

Please arrive 20 minutes before your appointment


Please wear loose, comfortable clothes. You will have the option to change into a gown depending on the part of your body to be scanned


We suggest you leave your valuables at home so you don’t have to worry about them. You can keep your things with you during your exam.

Medical leave

Please note that no medical leave will be issued on the day of exam. An excuse chit can be given upon request.


Please select the examination from the list below for more information on the preparation required.

How to prepare for an Ultrasound

Ultrasound Abdomen / Hepatobiliary System
Duplex Aorta / Hepatic Vessels / Liver Transplant
Duplex Renal Arteries / Veins

  • Do not eat or drink 5 hours prior to your exam. If required, plain water is allowed.

  • If you are on diabetic medication, please continue your basal insulin but stop your pre-meal insulin during the 5-hour fasting period. If you are unsure about your insulin adjustments when fasting, do consult your diabetes doctor or diabetes nurse educator. You can resume your usual medications during your next meal.

  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.

  • No smoking on the day of examination.

    *For infant less than 1 year old, please skip one milk feed.

    *For children less than 6 years old:

    - Your child should not eat or drink for 4 hours before the examination except for plain water.

    - Your child may consume water or clear juices before the scan. Clear juices would include grape, apple, or any drink that you can see through. There is no limit to how much clear fluid is consumed.

    - Your child should avoid juices that contain pulp such as aloe vera, or drinks that contain milk such as Milo.

Ultrasound Kidneys and Bladder / Pelvis

You are required to drink a total of 600ml of water at the following intervals:

    • 1st drink (200 ml) : 1 hour before the appointment time
    • 2nd drink (200 ml) : 45 minutes before the appointment time
    • 3rd drink (200 ml) : 30 minutes before the appointment time

  • If you have a urinary catheter, please ensure that the catheter is clamped.
  • If you are on fluid restriction, you do not need to drink water.
  • Please do not go to the toilet or empty your bladder before the scan. We need to perform the scan when your bladder is full.
  • No fasting is required.

Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound

  • Please contact Radiology if you have the following:
    • Allergy to ultrasound contrast media e.g. SonoVue (Sulphur hexafluoride)/ Sonazoid. If you have other drug allergies, please specify accordingly.
    • Recent acute myocardial infarction/coronary artery syndrome, unstable angina within the last 7 days that is untreated.
    • Pregnant or likely to be pregnant.
    • Currently breastfeeding.
    • Any egg allergy.
  • An intravenous cannula will be inserted on your left arm before the examination commences.
  • No fasting is required for this examination.
  • If you are on any other prescribed medication, continue your medication as prescribed by your doctor.

Other scans not indicated above

  • No specific preparation is required.