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Symposium 3

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Dr Daphne Gardner
Senior consultant, Department of Endocrinology
Singapore General Hospital

Dr Daphne Gardner is a Senior Consultant in Endocrinology in Singapore General Hospital. She graduated from Oxford University UK and was a clinical lecture in Plymouth UK before attaining specialist accreditation in Endocrinology in Singapore. She is the lead clinician for the Young adults with Diabetes and Intensive insulin therapy programme in Singapore General Hospital. She is also the Director of Education in the SingHealth-Duke Disease Centre for Diabetes, and currently runs a Ministry of Health Singapore Programme called GLiMPSE which aims to harness glucose sensor technology towards advancing behavioural change in type 2 diabetes and improving outcomes.


Content & Creativity, 7 October 2022, 1415 - 1615hrs
​Advancing Diabetes Self-care Through Digital Technology

People with diabetes engage with their healthcare team an average of three hours a year; for the remnant 8757 hours, they have to manage this complicated condition themselves. Digital technology has paved the way to support diabetes self-management through education, ease of data tracking and reporting, facilitation of communication, medication dosing advice and even automation of insulin. This session will take the audience through the current diabetes digital landscape, including evidence on how harnessing technology has helped improve diabetes outcomes. 

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